Bespoke Family Trees
3 generations
Additional copies: £29.25
4 generations
Additional copies: £63.75
5 generations
Additional copies: £131.25
6 generations
Addiional copies: £269.25
Due to the way Scottish & Irish archives are accessed an additional fee is charged when researching these records. This full amount applies to the Grand Oak Package, can be halved for the Oak Package, quartered for the Sapling Package & eighthed for the Acorn Package.
Make an application to have your birth placed on the Irish Foreign Register so that you may then apply for an Irish Passport (and remain in the EU)
Cost of research and certificates if your paternal grandfather was born in Ireland
Cost of research and certificates if your paternal grandmother was born in Ireland
Cost of research and certificates if your maternal grandfather was born in Ireland
Cost of research and certificates if your maternal grandmother was born in Ireland
Additional fees
Any research conducted outside of a Family Tree Package. Please note that hours charged for and hours researching are usually different as I don't always watch the clock.
England & Wales. Any certificates which aren't included within a Family Tree Package
Scotland. Any certificates which aren't included with a Family Tree Package
Ireland: Any certificates which aren't included with a Family Tree package
The cost of ordering probate and/or will documents previously found within the index. You may need to pay for hourly research if the will index entry hasn't already been discovered.
Documentation from the National Archives, Divorce Certificates etc
I'm happy to travel to The National Archives or a specific Family History Centre for records that need to be accessed directly & are not available online.
Please contact me if you have any research requirements which are not already priced